June 2012 Moms

Annoyed. ... so annoyed (pooping discussed!)

I have digestive issues. Enough so that I've had 3 surgeries, talks about a 4th were had, 6 mths after I had just had one. I've had 11 colonoscopies, 4 endoscopies, my insides have been poked and prodded and looked at from every angle and every which way. I've swallowed a pill with a camera in it and worn a computer for 8 hours.

I took 6-10 Imodium per day, on top of a prescription, and was still going to the bathroom 3-4 times per day.

My PNV is, I believe, making me constipated, which is helping, somewhat, with going to the bathroom so often. Only, not in the amount of TIMES I have to use the bathroom, just with the amount that comes OUT. It is an I HAVE TO GO RIGHT NOW GET THE HELL OUT OF MY WAY. 

Since I'm going so often, I called my OB to ask if I could take maybe even just 2 Imodium, SOMETHING to help me. Their answer was, "Just stay hydrated." .....what does that help me from going so often? 

I called my GI doctor in town, but he told me that he'd referred me to a doctor in Boston, which he had, because he couldn't do anything for me anymore. So they told me to call Boston. When I called Boston, they told me that they couldn't do anything for me because I had not completed the 4 tests they had wanted me to complete (none of which I could have done here in CT, I had to go to Boston on 4 different occasions, because they would not, or could not, schedule the tests for the same day, or even 2 consecutive days.

So now I'm without a GI doctor, my OB tells me to stay "hydrated" and my butt is on FIRE. It hurts to sit, stand, walk ... anything. I bought the flushable wipes, but they are doing very little to help. It hurts almost as much as it did when I was done with surgery and trying to go to the bathroom the first few times after surgery was over. 

I don't know what to do. 

Thanks for reading. 

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