June 2012 Moms

Spotting and Cramping Update

Context: I had spotting and cramping over the weekend, called a nurse-staffed hotline and they told me to see my Dr within 24hrs.

Went to the Dr yesterday and she ordered a beta Hcg comparison (I did one blood test yesterday and need to get the second tomorrow). She also did a pelvic exam and said my cervix is closed (YAY!). She took a swab to check for any type of infection and essentially told me that mc or not, all we can really do is wait and see. She could tell that I was a touch anxious (only slightly) and even though they don't normally call people with results she will call me on Friday with more information.

Here's my take on this: I'm feeling pretty hopeful that this is a sticky baby and the spotting is just my body cleaning out the old to ensure there is no clutter in there, and that "wait and see" is the worst thing you can ever tell a pregnant woman (especially a first-timer!). 

Thank you for all of your T&P and I will let you know how it goes on Friday. 

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