June 2012 Moms

Hello :)

Hey everyone, I just wanted to introduce myself to the board. I'm due June 21st and I'm completely nervous! I had a m/c on September 15th and I'm praying that this baby is extra sticky. I was waiting to post here until my beta came back. It came back today and everything looks great. I also had an early u/s yesterday (because of the recent m/c, but also because I'm a high risk pregnancy due to lupus) and they weren't able to see much yet besides a thickened wall.

I also have a 14 month old son, so I'll be in the 2u2 club Big Smile. It took us 2 years to conceive our DS, so I'm shocked and so grateful to not be having that struggle this time. Hopefully this pregnancy has a happy ending and I'll get to stick around with you guys Smile

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