June 2012 Moms

Anyone have to tell work early due to scheduling?

I had my first appt/ultrasound yesterday, and I will have to go back for another in a week, maybe two.  Between that, blood tests I need, and the sequential screening at 11 weeks, I will be having to leave work early/come in late a few times in the next couple of weeks to accommodate the OB/RE/lab's schedules.  I think I might have to let my boss in on the news so he doesn't think I'm off interviewing for other jobs or something.

Anyone else?  I didn't want to share this early, but I don't want him thinking I'm trying to get out of work or that something else is going on.  I guess I'd rather be upfront so he knows my job is still my priority.  Once these initial tests are done, I should only be seeing the doc once a month for awhile. 

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