June 2012 Moms

Had my first appointment today

It went well! Although she was going by my LMP and said I should be about 10 weeks now, but I know I'm not. I told her about my long cycle. She did an internal after my pap and said 7, 8 weeks at the most by feeling my uterus size (I calculated 6 weeks 5 days, so pretty close). DH went but he sat in the waiting room. I told him I'd have them get him if we needed him. She listened for the heartbeat with the doppler, but I knew it was too early to hear anything so I wasn't worried. I didn't realize that I would not be getting an ultrasound at this appointment. I thought they had the ultrasound machines right in the room, but it's actually in a seperate building and you have to schedule an appointment. So DH came with me for no reason really except for support and to drive me! Haha. Now he can't go to my ultrasound this Wednesday, because he took today off without pay Sad We really need the money right now, so we'll see. I think we might try to tell my parents tonight or tomorrow so my mom can go with me. I think she'd like that!

So after my ultrasound my next appointment is in 4 weeks on November 14th and it's just a checkup to make sure everything is going okay. 

I'm excited to hear from the other ladies with appointments today too!

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