Single Parents

Temporary orders??

Hi there,

Looking for some feedback for those that have already been through this.  I have my first court date in November to establish CS, custody, etc.  Father and I were never married, live in WI.  I do have a lawyer, but we haven't met again yet (since I retained him) to discuss the steps of what happens at this court date.


From what I have been reading on this board and online, temporary visitation (or whatever it is called now) will be set up during this first court date?  Is that true?  How is that determined? Ex and I do not get along AT ALL and his expectations of visitation of our 2.5 month old are completely unrealistic, so I am wondering how a temporary order will be structed since I am 99.9% postive we will have to go to mediation to get everything settled  - I already ordered the book"Creating Effective Parenting Plans" to get myself ready for the final arrangement, but I need info  onhow the temporary thing works and maybe even how long all of this is going to go on for?


Anyone care to share their experience?


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