June 2012 Moms

I guess this is where I go...

... when I get an edd of 6/20/12!  I'm totally coming over here VERY cautiously.  I have no history that says I need to, but that's just how I am.  DH and I are totally stoked and seriously cannot wait to have an LO of our own.


We dated at 18, he's my one that got away.  Spent the next 8 years doing whatever we each did.  A mutual friend (my childhood bff) was getting married (to his childhood bff) and so we ran into each other again.  I knew immediately I needed to change my life to be with him.  We got engaged 8/28/09, married 8/28/10.  Right now it's just us and our Vizsla, Hank.  As long as everything goes as planned, we'll have a baby in June!  

We are Cubs fans, and Bears fans.  We love hot rods and own a '51 Ford.  I don't read, if I don't have to.  Scary movies are my fav, especially if they feature zombies.  Fav vacation spot: Dominican Republic.  I'm a carb junkie, and I don't care for chocolate. 


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