June 2012 Moms

Intro & Test Question

Morning Ladies! DH and I have been TTC#2 for 2 months. Yesteday I was 11dpo and had a negative test with an internet cheapie in the morning. Last night I decided to try again and got a super faint pos with a $1 brand. Tried again with an Answer brand and got two lines! Same thing this morning: internet one is neg, Answer is positive. Has anyone else had this happen? I will go buy a FRER digital today.

Hoping that it is in fact positive....my EDD is June 21st. I am 29, DH is 28 and we have a son who is 2 (will be 3 one month before baby is due). We are going to have an exciting 1st Trimester as we are preparing to move in December!

I look forward to getting to know all of you Big Smile

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