June 2012 Moms

Flu shot?

Anyone talk to their doctor about this yet? In my first pregnancy I remember my OB saying it was recommended for all pregnant women past the first trimester. My husband and my toddler have gotten theirs, but I have not. Just curious to know if other doctors are recommending it in early pregnancy. (And I'm with a new practice now, so it's on my list of things to ask when I talk to them this week) I could kick myself for not getting this last month.
ds #1 | our perfect miracle born 39w1d | 12.9.2009 loss #1 | natural m/c 7/2010 (~8w) loss #2 | chemical pregnancy 6/2011 (4w4d) loss #3 | chemical pregnancy 7/2011 (4w3d) loss #4 | natural m/c 11/2011 (10w1d) RPL Testing 12/2011. Results 100% normal. ds #2 | our 2nd perfect miracle born 36w3d | 12.31.2012
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