June 2012 Moms

Making the rounds and saying hello!

I woke up this morning and decided to test..at 10dpo I just knew it would be too early but I usually have major PMS and acne break outs around this time before AF would normally show at 13dpo and I was absent of all those usual PMS symptoms. So, I took my temp at 6am and noticed that it was not dropping as it normally does so at 9am when I actually woke up I decided to POAS.

The pregnancy line popped up before the test line and I knew it was positive. I waited the three minutes anyways because it was faint and I wanted to show DH. I opened up the bedroom door and peeked my head out. DH and DS were watching football and waived the test, smiled and nodded yes. DH looked at my amazing DS and said you?re going to be a big brother. We hugged and he thanked me J

This was Cycle: #2

Symptoms: none..unless you count the absents of PMS symptoms and 7dpo I had a really bad dizzy spell that happened when I was sitting though anatomy lecture. I just chalked it up to, too much coffee and I still do.

My EDD is June 20th, which will give me plenty of time to heal and jump back into school for my clinical studies. I am in my 3rd year of nursing school.( So close to being finished!!!!)

I am praying for a FT baby. My DS was born at 27wks 3day. It was undetermined preterm labor. I spend 10 days in the hospital off and on magnesium trying to stop his very early arrival. I am considered high-risk and will be getting progesterone shots starting at 16-36 weeks.
Born 27wks 3 day 2 lbs 10 oz 15 inches image My BFP chart BabyName Ticker
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