January 2012 Moms


So are any of your husbands/SOs getting in that last bit of "fun" before the baby comes?  It is driving me crazy.  I have had conversation after conversation after conversation about how much him coming home drunk stresses me out.  My sis is an ob and says a lot of her patients complain about this, so I guess I'm not alone, but I haven't seen much about that on here.  My husband is a huge golfer and when they win tournaments at the course, have a good round, etc., they all get hammered.  And a 5 hour round of golf turns into an all day 15 hour event.  I can't handle it anymore...and I've been brutally honest with the consequences of his actions.  I wish he'd get it together, actions speak louder than words.  Frustrated.
image. image. image.
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