January 2012 Moms

So it has been quite a day. Roller coaster. (long)

The mixed news: I drove my sister's Mini into work. For the first time ever, the lot was full. So I found a minuscule spot I could never have squeezed my car into. Except it isn't a legal spot on Thursdays. So I went to move it, and it was gone. I was petrified that it had been stolen, but then read the sign and hoped it had been towed.

I see a Transit guy sitting in a truck and ask him where they would have towed it. He tells me, then says he can drive me (he has badges, is in marked truck, there is a walkie talkie going off - he's legit). Hop in to save a $30 cab fare. Feeling good.

Big big sign outside tow lot saying that I need to know the plate number, that my license must match my registration, yada yada, I'm screwed. Legally, they shouldn't release the car until my sister comes home from vacation in ten days, with tickets, towing, and the daily holding fee. Yikes. Go in, and realize that I BOUGHT my sister her vanity plate, so I know that. We share a last name. I give them her birthdate, and tell them the location, month, and story behind her latest speeding ticket. I'm wearing a suit and very pregnant. They release the car to me, undamaged. But I am out $168 for the ticket and towing and this never would have happened in my car since it would never have fit into that space.


Good news: Someone who I can't stand, but who has a lot of power over me, referred to me as a 'really good attorney' to someone else. I was pretty sure she despised me AND thought I was an idiot. I am relieved that it is only one of the two.


The good news: The testing company had sent A a letter saying she had failed her boards and that she would have to take them less than two weeks before my due date. We redistributed responsibilities. I got all laundry, all nursery prep, and her availability for childbirth classes was questionable. Got another letter today; they had screwed up and corrected her test against the wrong answer key. She passed. I don't have to carry wet loads of laundry downstairs to the dryer, and we don't have to worry that the baby coming early may jeopardize her licensure. 

Not sure whether I want this day to end, because I think there is a net gain, but I'm a little scared about what is coming next. 

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