January 2012 Moms

T&Ps needed

Some of you may already have seen this because it was posted on PGAL and the FB group but I just wanted to ask for some thoughts and prayers for one of our January mommas. May524 found out at her appointment yesterday that her baby Liam is still measuring behind (15oz at 27 weeks). Her fluid levels are also very low. They have yet to find the reason he is measuring behind. She has another appointment tomorrow at 11:45 CT and if her fluid levels are still low her doctor wants to perform a c section that day. I know she is really anxious and nervous about what all this could mean. Any thoughts and prayers would be appreciated!
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Lilypie First Birthday tickers
BFP 1 on 10.30.10 spontaneous m/c on 12.28.10 at 12 weeks
BFP 2 It's a girl! Born 1.18.12 at 39w
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