January 2012 Moms

Keeping track of LO's movements

At my last antenatal appointment, I was given information from my midwife regarding keeping track of babies movements (apparently they dont do kick counts over here in the UK anymore, just baby movements & patterns).

She told me that as I am now 24 weeks I am to start keeping track of LOs movements and movement patterns. If I dont feel her move as much one day or feel excessive movement one day then I am to call the L&D ward.

My problem is that right now, LO is still quite inconsistent with her movements - It doesnt help that I have an anterior placenta too. I do feel her move everyday now but some days (like night before last) she was going buck wild in my belly however last night, she was alot more subdued.

I dont want to drive myself crazy about her movements - Does anyone else feel like this is a little early to really start tracking them? Of course I will do as she has advised but I just thought you didnt do this until a little later in the pregnancy?

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