January 2012 Moms

Scared-L/O's Development is Behind--Kinda long

I?ll try to keep this (somewhat) short.  I feel like every time I go to the dr?s the news gets worse. At my 20wk apt. they found that my L/O has fallen behind in development by 2wks. The Dr?s have been keeping an eye on the development and decided to send me to a High Risk Doctor.  They did a 4D hour and a half ultrasound and said that the development is def. behind by 2wks, but that the anatomy is perfect.  I had a Dr. apt on Monday and my Dr. does not want to change my due date b/c they said it is accurate.  They gave me two reasons for why the development is behind: (Reason 1) the baby will be small due to genetics (I was 5Ibs, DH was 6lbs and my mother was only 3lbs).  The Dr. wants to see the development continue, just 2wks behind, (Reason 2) my L/O is not getting all the nutrients it needs from my placenta.  If this is the case, they are going to put me in the hospital and take the baby and it will stay in the NICU until it is ready to come home.   I am devastated.  I can?t help but just cry.  They are sending me back to the High Risk Dr. next week and then back to my Dr. the following week to see how the development is moving along.   I think they will make decisions then.  I have been doing everything right and following all the ?rules? of pregnancy.  FYI- I will be 28wks on Monday.

It would comforting to know that someone else is going through this?and I?m not alone L

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