January 2012 Moms

Miss you guys! (XP - PgAL)

Just wanted to say I miss the board!   We moved this weekend and AT&T Uverse F'd us over and we have no idea when we will be getting internet (or tv or phone for that matter).   I called Comcast tonight and they said internet and phone on Monday, so *hopefully* we will have internet on Monday.  I'm currently looking at Dish Network for tv, so hopefully we have that soon too!

Otherwise, everything is going well.   Looooooove our new house so much! 

Pregnancy wise, had an u/s yesterday to look at baby's cord.   It was confirmed that he has a 2-vessel cord.  The main concern with a 2-vessel cord is growth restriction in the 3rd trimester.  I'll have to go to an MFM in a few weeks for a level 2 ultrasound.   I'll be getting regular ultrasounds the rest of the pregnancy to check his growth.   So far there is absolutely NO concern over his growth as he is in the 90th percentile!!!!   I have a 2lber in there!

Right now I'm at our old house using the internet but it's getting cut off soon.   My phone is not good for reading or replying so I will be back on as soon as we have internet again!   Hope everyone is doing well!
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