June 2012 Moms

How to make it feel more real?

I think I'm a little over 5 weeks.  I have an u/s next week to better determine due date, but i'm pretty sure my due date is between June 2-5th.  I havent had many symptoms ( I know I should feel lucky), but I wish i did, it would help me feel pregnant, more than 2 lines on a stick did.  I know that sounds ridiculous.

I'm afraid to get too excited. I havent told anyone other than DH and one friend.  I dont want to jinx it, I know that sounds crazy as well. I want to do something to make it seem more real.  Im thinking of buying the Belly Book.  Anyone have one?  Is it too early to write in it? Or a blanket, or some small baby related item. 

Anyone else have similar feelings and thoughts? What has helped you? Have you bought anything yet? or done anything baby related?   I feel like this will be a looong 1st tri.

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