June 2012 Moms

I have an amazing DH (In law update)

Thank you for your support ladies. My hubby had quite the conversation with his darling mother last night. Long story short WE are no longer going over there for anything more than obligated family get togethers. He told her that on the day we got married I became the most important thing in his life and if he was forced to he would leave the family business. I am so proud of him and so thankful. The first few months were really a struggle and last night he didn't take the middle man path that he usually does...he stood up for what he needed to. Now heres to keeping fingers crossed that it stays that way.
We have also had an on going debate about which family to spend christmas with sense that is when we are telling everyone (with x-mas cards). He told her that because of how I was treated we would be spending christmas at my parents and she was going to miss out on something really special because of it.
This may be immature but i am so freaking excited!!!!! Can it be christmas yet???
And as for my sister in law, well she has just been removed. He doesn't care for her much to begin with and her statement was unforgivable. She doesn't know it yet but her brother has written her off until she can grow up...which I'm also ok with. 
Thank you again ladies for all your encouraging words! 
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