Single Parents

being a single mother is hard..any advice??

im a new mother and i had my daughter "braelyn skye" last month on the second and she was about three weeks premature. it was really hard to deal with. i was scared because she was so little. after i delivered, she was transfered to another hospital but only because the nursery at the hospital i was at was already full. the next morning after i had been discharged i went straight to the hospital that my daughter got transfered to and wanted to start breastfeeding as soon as i could. she was in the hospital for a little over three weeks and the whole time she was in there she was doing beautifully, but the nurses kept telling me "oh hey, she should be going home within the next couple days, blah blah." then when they'd tell me that she wasnt coming home i'd just get so depressed. :/  as the days went on i had my mind on o many things and i couldnt seem to fall asleep, than started getting sick. i was just worried about so many things and on top of that i stopped producing breastmilk. before that even happed they had to take her off breastmilk because she wasnt tolerating her feedings. her doctor told me that she has weak stomach lining and that they were going to put her on formula. at the hospital i was givin a predigestive formula called "pregestalmil." im stil so upset that i cant breastfeed her anymore. i was told that my daughter might be lactos intolerant!!!! i wanted everything to be natural. can anybody give advise about anything????
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