January 2012 Moms

Wait for it... Yep, there it is.

We're planning a home birth for our baby and are very excited and very confident about our choice.  I was nervous to tell my mom about it, but to my surprise she thought it was a really good idea too.  This was a few months ago. So, okay great everyone's on board.  Everyone's happy. 

But I was suspicious.  She seems to have a problem with EVERYTHING (planning my wedding was nuts) so what was the deal?  

Last month, mom was visiting me in California (she's in NY) and I brought her to a midwife appointment, attempting to quell any anxiety or doubt she might have and hadn't voiced yet.  I also wanted to make sure she felt included in the pregnancy excitement.  All went fine, she seemed pleased, but I was still skeptical.

Sure enough this morning, quite randomly, she brings up that she was unsure about the midwives.  She was dubious of their spirituality -- this makes us sound religious.  We're not.  And really, neither are the midwives so I'm not sure what brought this on.  She also thought they were "typical LA" people and that really they care too much about the money.  I guess I'm used to "typical LA" people so I have no response to this, and as for the money, they are a business and do need to be paid.  I'm actually wildly behind on payments and they aren't harassing me at all so I don't feel they care too much about money either. 

Her bottom line was that she felt like they would do a good job and keep me safe, but that she had to voice her opinions.  It doesn't change my feelings toward them at all, but it is stressing me out that she couldn't leave well enough alone and had to plant a seed of doubt.  Why?  Now I regret bringing her along to the appointment in the first place.  

This may have just been a rant, as I realize I don't know what I'm looking for from anyone who may have read this whole thing.  But anyway thanks for hearing me out!  

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