January 2012 Moms

had 2 showers :)

Good morning ladies! I hope everyone is feeling ok, im a bit sleepy but in a good mood for a Monday!

I had a shower on saturday and sunday. The Saturday shower was VERY small, and mainly elderly family and elderly friends of my grandmothers. Lots of handmade quilts. ill have to post pics later!Sunday was a bit bigger, and I got lots of great things. Baby bath tub, bouncer, diaper change mattress, diapers, clothes.. it was great! I have two coming up in November but I know they will be very small, so I am working on my list of what I need to go ahead and buy.

 I know eventually I will need a high chair, but I am contemplating putting this on hold until its necessary, any suggestions on that?

I received a bouncer, and now I'm trying to decide do I need a swing and an exersaucer as well? I appreciate any and all opinions!


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