January 2012 Moms

World's Most Incompetent Cashier (LONG)

I think DH and I just experienced what may be the world's most incompetent cashier EVAR.

We went grocery shopping and had a whole cart full of stuff including frozen and refrigerated goods. The store was PACKED and there were long lines at all of the cash registers, so we picked one and waited. Turns out, we couldn't have had a WORSE choice. Out of about 25 lines what were open, we picked the only person in the world who moved at the speed of smell. For reals.

First, she had a serious problem with produce. I understand being new and not knowing the code that goes with a particular item if it doesn't have a sticker on it, but she didn't even know what the produce was. We weren't even buying anything crazy either. Cucumber, peppers, apples, onions, etc. First she picked up the cucumber and started pressing a bunch of buttons. Then she stopped and just looked at me. I was confused at first and finally said "Um, it's a cucumber." Her response, "Oh ok! Thanks." Then looks up cucumber for the code and rings it up. Um, WHAT?!?! Who doesn't know what a cucumber is???? We are making chili this week, so we had a variety of peppers and I knew immediately it was going to be a problem. So, when she grabbed the first bag of peppers I said, "Anaheim." She started pressing a bunch of buttons again and then looked at me. Then at DH. Then back a me. So I said, "Anaheim PEPPER." And she rings it up. We seriously had to go thru every. single. produce item we had to tell her what it was so she could ring it up. Even the apples. I'm serious.

Then, we get to the boxed and canned goods. Instead of swiping it across the reader, she picked up each thing, grabbed her hand wand, and rung it up that way. So it was: pick up item, pick up wand, scan barcode, put wand down, put item in bag. Rinse. Repeat. Um, what? Seriously, lady, they made the big one for a reason....it's WAY quicker.

She was also confused as to how to use the bag carousel. Instead of filling a bag and then spinning it to the next bag, she'd fill the bag and pull it off the carousel, walk around, and hand it to DH.

More than an hour passed between the time we got into line and the time we walked away with our receipt. I'm not exaggerating either.  DH was FUMING the whole way home about it.

In the end I decided that I don't care HOW new you are. If you can't figure out how to swipe a darn box across the reader and then throw it into a bag, you shouldn't be a grocery store cashier. And, if you don't know what a freaking cucumber or pepper is, well then you fail at life.
Lots of love and luck to Squishy622 (Welcome Maya!) and salt78 (Welcome Betty!) <3<3<3 <br> ~*Much luck, love, and unicorn farts to my BFPB ukcats (Welcome Avery!)*~
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