January 2012 Moms

OB made me feel fat

So at my appointment today, I was trying to ask my OBGYN for suggestions to help me sleep better.  Currently, unless I eat something right before bed, I get so sick that I throw up.  I was hoping for some actual suggestions, like what foods I should avoid at dinner or a food I could eat for my right before bed snack to hold me over.  Instead, she spouts what another OB at the practice had already suggested, that in general I should be eating smaller, more frequent meals.  DH brought up that I had concerns about gaining 10 pounds when in the first trimester I had been losing weight.  Then she makes the suggestion again of smaller, more frequent meals.

Maybe it's the only answer she has, maybe I was looking for an answer that it's ok I gained 10 pounds in 4 weeks when I lost 5-10 in the first trimester.  Maybe it's playing into my frustration that I never feel like I've had enough food.  But it made me feel like she was accusing me of being fat and overeating without giving me some actual suggestions as to what kinds of food would be filling enough to satisfy me.  I'm self conscious enough without her telling me to stop being such a fatty.  Her indifferent tone while measuring my stomach and checking baby's heartbeat really set me off too, making me feel like she couldn't be happy that our baby is still alive.  Is it too much to expect of an OBGYN to act like they care our baby is still there?

I have her again for my glucose test in 4 weeks, but after that I'm going to request a different doctor if they ever try to put me with her again.  Am I being irrational and hormonal, or am I justified in getting upset about the appointment?

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