January 2012 Moms

Stress & the effect on baby?

Morning ladies

 Bit of background info, when I found out I was pregnant we were a few months before our wedding & it turned into a very stressful time. We got married 2 weeks ago now and this weekend put an offer in on a new house (living circumstances at the moment would not really be ideal with a new baby + renting = dead money). Our mortgage was agreed in principle and credit check done, our full application has now gone off to our lender for underwriting and if all is ok, a firm offer should be made to us in the next week or so. The home is new build so everything (surveys, offer, contracts) have to be completed and the property exchanged in 28 days.

 My problem? I am stressing myself out to the point of making myself ill and for the life of me, cannot seem to stop myself from doing it. Day before last I made myself feel awful - I went home from work crying, feeling sick and ended up going to bed with a migraine. Yesterday I felt physically sick all day with worry that something could fall through and just wanted to cry with nerves.

I know that we are doing alot (baby, wedding, house) in a very short space of time and on a normal day I would be a little stressed but doing it whilst pregnant - I just cant seem to get a hold of myself.

So, my question to you, is anyone else finding things (no matter how big or small)more stressful whilst pregnant? And do you think it could have an effect on our LO?

I am sure she is going to be born in the shape of a tightly wound spring if I keep going at this rate! Lol

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