Upstate NY Babies

Had to take Dylan into emergency last night.

He started with a fever on Saturday but was acting himself otherwise.  And the ibuprofen brought his temp down so we weren't concerned too much at that point.  On Sunday he was still pretty much acting himself, however, his temperature was getting higher.  I called the on-call pedi when we got a 103.6 reading.  The dr. said that since there weren't any other symptoms (other than a slight decrease in appetite) that we should hold off until Monday and bring him in if the fever didn't break.  And he said to bring him to the hospital if he had any other changes last night.  At around 7:00 I was going to give him a bath and he wanted NO part of it.  He normally loves taking a bath.  He was also crying and had the chills from the fever.  I could tell he felt really warm so we took his temp again. The temporal thermometer had readings of 106 and 107 (I kid you not!!!).  I was SO scared!  I then took it rectally because I knew that would be the most accurate and we have such a hard time with the temporal one.  I always get such different readings.  The rectal thermometer said 105.  That was still high enough for me so we took him right in.  Turns out he has a double ear infection.  They gave him tylenol, ibuprofen and started him on antibiotics.  We got out of there around 10pm.  Today he's doing much better.  His temp is way down and he's been playing like he always does :o)
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