Upstate NY Babies


I have been messed up on my days this week, but I'm so glad it's Friday!

Tonight:  I have to take tickets at the football game and DH has stats, so we're having our first outside of family/regular babysitter tonight.  It's only for 2 hours max but I'm still kind of apprehensive about it.  I'm sure it will be fine. 

Sat:  DH has a football game that is away but I think we'll go if it's nice.  Maybe afterwards try to run a couple of errands.  We've been talking about looking at new cars so tomorrow would be ideal but not if DH has to ride the bus back with his players, so we'll see. 

Sun:  SIL might be coming over, and my sister said something about going to the pumpkin farm, so one of the two probably.  

Have a great weekend everyone!

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