Single Parents

Douchebag of the day award goes to...

my friend's STBXH.  They have triplets who will be 2 in December.  He wanted 50/50, she said no.  At the temporary custody hearing he rambled like a fool about what a great person he is, blah blah blah, the court reporter AND the judge had to tell him to slow down.  My friend rocked it, very composed, talked for 30 minutes, had 10 exhibits to demonstrate why her proposed visitation schedule was appropriate.

Today the judge ruled in her favor and the schedule.  STBXH's EOW is supposed to start this weekend and he's so fighting mad that he "lost" that he's now preventing the kids from attending their uncle's (friend's brother) wedding this weekend.  Friend even asked her lawyer to ask his lawyer to ask him to be reasonable and he flat out said no. 

What a selfish, immature, douchebag.  When it comes to a final visitation hearing, this will not look good for him, but I'm still livid for my friend and her family.  Such a huge family event and the kids don't get to attend because their father is being a petty child.

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