Single Parents

Anyone else completely alone?

There seems to be a lot of people with exes/baby daddys in their situation. My heart goes out to you ladies. However, my situation is that the father is not involved whatsoever and he can't be. No child support, no visitation nothing. Is there anyone else in my situation? I am a university student living in my own apartment and I'm 15 weeks pregnant. It's so hard on the regular forums about people complainign about asking their husbands 3x to do something. Well, I wish I had someone to nag. When I have morning sickness and the house is messy, who's there for me? No one. Who has to go grocery shopping with fatigue and throwing up? Me. Who takes the bus to every appointment? Goes to Ultrasounds alone? Me. I feel really alone and quite scared. I'm just looking for someone else in my situation who's doing everything alone. 
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