Upstate NY Babies

How long would you vacation in Europe? (TwoTrue?)

My little brother is leaving soon for his 2 yr tour in Germany. I thought it was only 1 yr, but that was just for Korea.

So, my brain is a spinning with travel thoughts.....maybe, just maybe we can swing a vacation in Germany during his second year! We might be able to stay on base and pay very little per night for accommodations. 

I would so love to go, we would bring the kiddo(s) too. How long would you go for to make the cost of flights worth it? Is a week long enough or would you shot for 10-14 days? If we have another baby before then, they would likely be less than 1 yr old. Would that be a crazy trip?

There is so much to think about, but I am starting now because my brother would have to start looking into getting us a place to stay ASAP as they are hard to get. 

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