Single Parents

Frustrating is not even the word for today...vent

It should almost be constant fail!  So over the last couple of weeks I have been looking for a place to live.  It is getting to cramped here at my sisters and I need my own personal space! 

Good news, after searching and feeling like it will never be found, I found the perfect place for my boys and I.  So I was feeling pretty good about myself.  Then this morning, the bad news.  My boss informed me that becuase of the economy, he will be closing his business.  Which means after Sept. 30th I will no longer have a job.  Sh!tballs, I don't know what I am going to do.  I just signed the lease and will need to come up with the remainder of the money needed by Oct. 8th.  I work from home, which has worked out well.  With two children and the fact that I am a SP, this has helped cut the cost of needing day care. 

 I am freaking out today.  I have been so stressed and finally thought that after lastnights good news, we were on our way to being back on top.  And now, I feel like I have been kicked back down into the hole that I have been trying to climb out of.  I feel defeated.

 I have been dating someone for a while now.  We just did introductions to the children a few weeks ago.  It went well....extremely well.  He is a great guy.  My mom and sister suggested maybe he and I move in together to help with the cost of things.  Although he is a super great guy and great with my kids.  I just can't see moving in with him because of this situation I am in. 

Idk, one side of me has thought about it, it would be easier.  He did say that I wouldn't have to work.  That I could continue to stay home and raise my children and he would take care of everything financially.  The other side of me is saying that this shouldn't be the reason we move in toghether.  It's not that we haven't discussed it as something that would happen some time down the road.  And I can see us living together.  I guess I am only having doubts, not because of him. It's more because I feel like this shouldn't be the reason we move in together.

 I feel like a hot mess right now.  Thanks for listening!!

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