Single Parents


SO DD is now 3 weeks old.  Her father has yet to meet her or show any concern or interest in her.  I let him know that i would be filing for child support and if he really needed a paternity test that the court could do that as well.  All of the sudden he is saying how he is gonig to file for 50/50 custody and all this stuff.  Now i know no judge is gonig to give him any sort of custody but just the fact that he says that infuriates me.  He pretty much stated that he is only going for custody because i am gonig for child support.  If he didnt have to hep suport HIS CHILD then he wouldnt care if he ever saw her.  WTF is wrong with him!!!!!!!!!

I am exhausted taking care of a newborn all by myself and he thinks this is all a big game.

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