January 2012 Moms

S/O quitting while on leave - teachers

I was reading the previous post on this topic and I was curious how teachers feel about it. It's a profession unlike the business world. Hiring is basically done May -August and people retiring/quitting happens before June. My leave will be January-August and I'll be returning in September at the beginning of a new school year.

DH and I have talked about the possibility of not going back if his business keeps growing between now and then and we're comfortable with just his income or looking for a new job during my leave since I don't want to miss the hiring window. (my commute is an hour now)

My school will be hiring a sub during my leave who, if they like that person, could turn into my replacement or get the chance to hire someone brand new for the new school year, since a permanent position wouldn't start until that Sept. anyway. I'd let them know before the June deadline so they had plenty of notice. (I only have to give 60 days and that would be more than that.) 

Is this still seen as shady?

Background: I student-taught in this school and have worked here since I graduated college, so they're my only reference moving forward... I certainly don't want to burn any bridges.

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