January 2012 Moms

A/S Ultrasound not part of 'blanket fee'??

When I talked to the financial counselor at the OB's office at 7 weeks pregnant, she said their fee was $2800. They explained that that included all my prenatal appointments and labor/delivery (CS would be $3200).

I had my 20 week A/S on Friday.  I went to my insurance website to look for pediatricians in the area, only to find I was billed $294 from the ultrasound.  I haven't met my deductible yet this year, so I have to pay $253.43.

Is anyone else seeing this with their A/S ultrasounds not being covered under the blanket fee that was supposed to include all appointments?

They never said the ultrasound was billed separately.  I thought it was required.  I suppose this means the glucose test is a separate charge too?  Anyone know how it works at their office?


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