January 2012 Moms

A/S yesterday!

I had  my A/S yesterday and baby girl looks good. We had an elective u/s 2 weeks ago due to family being out of town for the big announcement so we already knew it was a girl but it was nice to get confirmation! I need to go back in 2 weeks because she wasn't in a good position to get a good shot of the heart. At least I get to see her again :) 

On another note, I've been experiencing a lot of pain in my joints. I already feel my pelvis opening up. Granted, this is my second baby but with my son I didn't feel this till 30+ weeks!! Is anyone else experiencing this? Getting out of bed is the worst and turning on my sides too...man, I still have 20 more weeks of this! LOL

Enjoy the long weekend ladies.  

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