Single Parents

Looking for some insight/advice

I know that technically this should go onto the Blended Families board. However, I lurk and post on this board and feel the most comfortable over here. So here it goes...

As some of you have probably noticed (by my shiny new ticker down below) that yes I am getting married. My difficulties are that my FI wants to adopt DD. Now I know (if anyone remembers any of my story) that her bio dad isn't really in the picture. He did join the navy, I am now just starting to receive CS, and yet he doesn't seem to care. He is still 3000 miles away and doesn't call or ask about DD. So he really is only doing the CS because he has to.

The big issue is that I know already that he doesn't really care about DD, yet he is keeping from helping with the adoption just because I have moved on. I don't think spite is a good reason to keep from letting a man (my FI) who completely loves, cares for, raises, and supports my DD from being her true legal father. I just don't know what to do. 

This whole situation sucks. I have someone who walked out on me, cheated on me, claimed DD wasn't his, and doesn't want to be a father keeping the rights to being DD's father away from someone who really wants it. Any advice?

Also, I completely understand that this may have been a better question for the blended families board. I just am not as comfortable over there as I am with all of you lovely ladies. I'm in that odd in between place. So any advice would be amazing. Thanks! 

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