Single Parents

How did things play out if your STBXH contested your divorce?

Ok, long story short.  My STBXH has been in jail awaiting trial for some horrible things that he did to me.  I have a restraining order that covers me and DD.  I've started divorce proceedings and he is contesting it.  He says he does not want the divorce and that he wants to try counseling and work things out.  Ummmm NOT HAPPENING.  He is also against the arrangements with our DD.  I've requested full physical and legal custody and that when he gets out to start off with professionally supervised visitation and then go from there.  The man is psycho and continues to show that.  He also wanted our DD to visit him in jail.  I will fight for my DD.

Just curious if anyone else has been in a smiliar situation and if so how things went.  Can he realy contest all of this from a jail cell?

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