Single Parents

Not knowing if its mine or not...

I am not sure if there is a section on this site for men to post things and discuss topics but I am in a crazy situation where I don't know if I am the father or not until we get the DNA test. Obviously I have never been in this situation before and I have no idea what to expect. I have received some legal advice given to me by my lawyer on how to proceed If I need their services.

I will say that if the tests come back saying its mine then I will take care of my responsibilities as every man should. I was just wondering if any men on here has been through this or any of you women know of any men that has gone through this and have any thing to add or suggest. Me and the girl get along but we don't see eye to eye on everything like parenting skills for example.

I have decided earlier on, that i wasn't gonna do anything to become attached the child during her pregnancy for the simple fact, I just don't know. Its either his, or its mine! She is due soon and I can't even go out and buy baby stuff or prepare a room in my house for the baby until I know for sure via a legal document if its mine. 

For now I just have to sit and wait. She wants me in the room when she gives birth which is odd because I won't know the results of the test till about 2 days after she gives birth. I told her I would wait in the waiting room and come in afterwards and she didn't like that saying if I wasn't in there during the procedure then don't come to the hospital at all. Crazy right? 

My situation is just messed up to say the least. 

 So if anyone knows of someone that has been in this situation before and has something to add that I should or shouldn't do, I'd like to hear from you.


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