January 2012 Moms

Halfway point has turned me into a complainer...cramping and pressure

I felt so amazing after the morning sickness went away and now I feel like it's something new everyday.  I don't want to harass my doctor over every little thing, so I will harass you guys and see if anyone else is having similar symptoms:)

Today I have been feeling slightly crampy, like a low grade menstrual cramp, no sharp pains or contractions or anything. I also feel like my lower abdomen is "heavy". When I bend over or walk too fast, it feels uncomfortable and I have to slow down. I work on my feet all day, so I noticed it a lot today. The best way to describe it is just a feeling of pressure or heaviness.

Is this common? Has anyone else had this?

Edit:  Also wanted to add that the pressure is extremely uncomfortable when I lift up my leg to put on pants or underwear, as well as when I bend over.

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