January 2012 Moms

MH has pregnancy brain!

At least when it comes to names we've discussed.  We had decided to put a hold on names until our a/s on Friday when we have a gender.  In the meantime I have kept a list on my phone of names he's liked and names I've liked, even if we don't agree on them. 

Last night, I brought up 2 or 3 names he has said in the past he liked (Sarina, Nadia, Isaac) and he told me he didn't like any of those and has no recollection of saying that.  I put them on HIS list, not mine.  Definitely ones he said he liked.

THEN he gets this *eurkea* look on his face and is like, "how about Daniel?"  We've discussed Daniel EVERY SINGLE NAME CONVERSATION (3 or 4 major conversations so far).  He was like "it just came to me."  No, no it didn't.  You bring it up EVERY TIME.  But it has been ruled out because we are definitely doing David as a middle name and think Daniel David is too many D's or sing-songy. 

Anyone else's SO being very forgetful or changing their minds every 5 seconds?

Married DH - December 2006, Started TTC - July 2009, BFP - May 15, 2011 (round #1 chlomid) Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic
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