January 2012 Moms

I was so rude :O

A neighbor of mine stopped me in the middle of the drive way to yell "oh I hear you are pregnant!"

At first I was polite but then she kept starring at me and going on and on :" oh my god, you are way too tiney, that belly is just so little and you are so skinny. I can't believe you are 19 weeks. I think you need to enter a contest for the tiniest pregnanty lady ever" And she just kept going on, it was ridiculous and weird. Even my DH was kind of WTF.

Now let me tell you, I DO have a bump :) It's sticking out more than by boobs and I'm a 32D so not that small LOL

So anyway at yet another comment how I was too skinny and small I just said "well not everyone has to turn into a whale while pregnant!" And then I was like OMG did I just say that. HAHA I guess my hormones got the best of me and I couldn't take it anymore HAHA OOPS

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