January 2012 Moms


So I am in a debate with DH about whether or not to circumcise our baby boy. I have met a lot of uncircumcised men that have no problem with it. To me it seems like genital mutilation. It is completely unnecessary. My husband thinks it is not as hygienic, that you can get bacterial infections. I agree with this, but only if you don't take care of it/clean it properly. His other major concern is that people will make fun of him for being weird and different. I have inverted nipples and have been teased and called names for it all my life, and yes it hurts, but I like being me. I feel god made our bodies the way they were supposed to be. I don't think we should alter something like that. I don't want to do something just because it is "The Norm". I have watched videos of babies being circumcised and I can't feel good about doing that to my child. It makes me think of the brutal female genital mutilation that happens in third world countries. Everyone seems shocked and horrified that people would do such things to baby girls, when in our own country we do the same thing to our baby boys. I may be alone in my beliefs, but I just can't find a reason that pulls enough weight for me to change my mind. The problem is, my husband feels very strongly about his views as well. I understand that since he is a boy DH will have more insight into the ridicule our son would receive.  I need some clarity either way. Please give me your opinion and your reason behind your beliefs. This is the only thing my DH and I are in disagreement about and it's driving me crazy. Thanks.
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