January 2012 Moms


So i just wanted to clarify a few things about my pregnancy because I've gotten some negativity over wether or not I'm being truthful. Out of all people, and with having a previous child, I neverin my wildest dreams suspected that I could go 19 weeks without detecting a pregnancy. With my son,I knew before I even missed my period. I was very in tune with my body.

However this time could not be more different. Like I have previously posted, I haven't gotten a period since DS was born. And we were not TTC like crazy, just informally doing what we normallywould do without any form of BC. I have tested a few times in the past only to come up with BFN, sofor a while I have not been expecting or even thinking about pregnancy. Believe me, I can't standthose women on I didn't know I was pregnant. I always thought to myself, how could you be so daft?When I felt kicking a few weeks ago, I was almost in denial. I chalked it up to gas or maybe itwas just in my head. I couldn't believe it when I went to the OB and I was measuring that far along.It blew my mind. But nevertheless, DH and I are excited and since we haven't had a chance to formallytell our families and friends yet, I was using these boards because I just had to talk about it to someone.Sooo many of you ladies have been so gracious and supportive, thank you. I just wanted to get this out therebecause I realize how my story sounds... Almost made up and ridiculous. I feel a little embarrassed about itmyself, how could this happen? I'm also terrified of the fact that I haven't had prenatal carefor nearly 5 months. But I can't change this... I have to move on and do the best I can inThe situation.

I'm completely new to these boards and I realize there is etiquette I may notfully understand. But I'm a college graduate ; I think I can pick it up. So Far I have learned that ppl don't like big glittery siggys, I do apologize... Lol. It wasn't meant to seriously offend anyone,and I didn't realize how large and obnoxious it really was. From now on I'll try to blend in a little better....The last thing I want is to be known for MUD.
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