January 2012 Moms

How many u/s should one have?

OK I have been thinking about this and wonder if a mom-to-be should have more than just one or two u/s during her pregnancy.

And here is why: In the last 3 months there has been multiple people (7 or 8) who have had what they thought great pregnancies and active healthy babies with great HBs who are now spending most of their time at the NICU :(

They have babies with underdeveloped lungs, kidneys and this last friend of DH had a baby girl - full term, who turns out stopped growing two months ago and has intestinal problems. All things that could have been discovered with an u/s.

So... is it enough to just have one or two u/s? Is it enough to say 'you don't have gestational diabetes or preeclampsia, the HB is great, the movement is what it should be etc... Are there more things that should be monitored to make sure things are going ok?

I know there is a cost factor in there but so many docs DO the u/s with every visit, some are more old school and choose not to. But they have the u/s machines right there, is it really that big of a deal to take a peak and say "better be safe than sorry".

What do you think? I've been just wondering about this....


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