January 2012 Moms

I'm baaaaaaack!

Dublin was fun ... for the 14hrs that I was there!  Met some great clients we took out until the wee hours of the morning.  I do love their accent, altho have to admit sometimes I couldn't understand a thing they were saying.

So looking forward to going home, stripping down and walking around in PJs for the night and giving my puppy dog a cuddle :)

While I was in Dublin my sisters photograpgher for her wedding put up a 'sneak peak' on facebook.  I've only been able to see a few on my blackberry but they are stunning!!!!  Can't wait to see the rest... I might C&P a few to AW my son... he looks soooo handsome!

So what did I miss?  Everyone ok?  Replied to a few posts but its hard to catch up as I'm at work.


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