Single Parents

Introducing myself

I am now joining the ranks of single parenthood. I finally left H after months of dealing with his anger issues, mainly due to me deciding the change careers.

We tried counseling but during the sessions, he said he wouldn't be changing anything about his behavior regardless of me being willing to try to make it work.

We have two kids, a 3 yo daughter and a 1 yo son. He does want to be involved in their lives, which is good. However, he is refusing the pay for childcare or really anything despite the fact that he has a good paycheck and I only work PT.

We have both hired attorneys and have a court date set for Sept 14th. 

Not sure what else I should put out there, but I wanted to say hi and introduce myself. 

The nestie formerly known as MrsV2005. I just realized I have no recent pictures of me or the kids! Guess I need to get the camera out!
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