Upstate NY Babies

Potty Training Poll

So, I know the potty training subject has been beat to death around here.. but I thought I'd do a little poll, because I have been thinking about when we'll start w/ E.

So- if your LO is potty trained... or even if not (and you want to answer what you plan to do)

how old was your LO when you potty trained?

did you wait for them to give you a "sign" they were ready?

how long did it take for them to be fully (day) trained?

how long till they were night trained?

did/do they use Pull-Ups?

did you have a potty chair or potty ring?

did you use any type of reward?

did you use any special training system (ie- 3 day)

any tips for those of us who are going to be attempting soon?! 

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