Upstate NY Babies

BFN after a BFP?!?!

3 BFP's to be exact... one of them digital.

I am a wreck right now.  I noticed some spotting this afternoon and have just been feeling a little off (not that I even know what off really is at this point, I guess)... so for whatever silly reason I decided to use my leftover test... maybe to reassure myself, I guess... who knows?  Bad idea.

Anyway... it was negative.  Actually a big fat digital "Not pregnant".  WTF.  I had 2 positive line style tests and one glorious "Pregnant" digital test last Wednesday and Thursday.

I just drove up to Target and bought 3 different types of tests (2 line, 1 digital), but I just can't make myself pee yet (chugging water between paragraphs).  I hate to be freaking out and worried this early in the game.  I feel like i should call the doctor tomorrow and maybe have them run a blood test or something to confirm?  Or ask for a u/s?  But I really don't want to be one of those whiney, run-to-the-doctor-for-everything kind of ladies.  I have no idea what I am dealing with here...

Thoughts?  Reassurance?  

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