Upstate NY Babies

Its going to be a long three weeks until school starts!

Oh boy how I already miss those three hours a day Ty was at school every day!  Today, all morning was fine, but when it was time to put B down for a nap, Tyler would not stay out of her room and leave her alone to settle down for nap.  She is so used to being the only one home for naptime, or Daddy puts her down for nap.  Every single time I tried to settle her down, Ty would come in and she would get all worked up.  Eventually, I gave up.  So she has had no nap and as a result is the most unruley toddler this afternoon!  She is pushing chairs around climbing on the counters!  She dumped her yogurt on the floor, she peed on the floor (on purpose because I told her no climbing on the counter) so I put a diaper on her.  She ripped it off, peed in her little potty and quickly before she even stood up threw the potty bucket across the room!  AAAAAAHHHH!  I am a little releived that she hasn't done anything to hurt herself.  All the kaos and noise set tyler off and he is being equally defiant..  There has been way too much screaming this afternoon.  I finally have them both sitting quietly watching a show, the house is a disaster area but I am afraid to get up and start moving around because I think they will also get up and start trying to take control again.

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