Upstate NY Babies

Daycare WWYD (LONG!)

We had a daycare disaster in February.  Since then, my husband took a personal leave of absence and has been home with DS.  He's going back to work at the start of the school year.  We have 2 daycare options and I have to make my decision by tomorrow.  I need help!

Option #1:  A family daycare center about 1 mile from our house.  A coworker sends her daughter there during the summer and she has been really happy with the care she receives.  The woman has been running a daycare out of her house for nearly 20 years though is not currently licensed.  She said that she gave up her license 3 years ago "because the regulations & inspectors were inconsistent".  She said that she found out she can watch 5 children in her home without being licensed so she's doing that now.  She currently has 1 other child who is full-time, others are part-time.  Ages range from 10 weeks to 2 1/2.  Her home is a small cape.  The downstairs bedrooms are her daycare rooms and the children have run of her house.  It doesn't seem very babyproofed (knicknacks & stuff all over) to me but she said she's never had any problems with the kids getting into stuff.  There are 5 pack 'n plays set up in the downstairs rooms for naps.  Her yard is fenced and she has quite a few ride on toys, a sandbox, etc.  She agrees to provide breakfast & lunch however due to DS's severe food allergies, we will bring all food.  She said she knows how to use an Epi-Pen.  I spoke with 1 other person she used as a reference and she had glowing reviews.  She will cloth diaper DS.  She is $150/week.

Option #2:  Doodle Bugs Daycare Center- approximately 15 minute drive from my house.  Follows a curriculum for "teaching".  Up to 12 children in his room.  Food provided by daycare- they said that they have dealt with food allergies in the past.  Offered to let me speak with another parent who's child has food allergies there.  More of a "structured" environment.  He'll be with children his age.  They will not use cloth diapers.  Seemed very clean.  They're obviously licensed and inspected regularly.  I can log-in on the computer at work and watch him during the day. They are close to $260/week. 

 What would you do?  Something to mention- I have an opportunity to go part-time at my job which will allow me to be home with DS.  The part-time job was suppose to start October 1st but it looks like it won't be until November 1st. 

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