Upstate NY Babies

Friday confessions....

Anyone have anything they'd like to get off their chest?

I'll go first....

1- I let Evan eat cookies at like 9am. I had bought a cup of the "go-pack" mini oreos for cupcakes I made last week. The container was in the cupboard, and I took it out this morning because I was looking for something. I left it on the counter and as soon as E saw it he was begging for some. I told him no and put them away, but he got so upset. Between him being sick yesterday (and crying most of the day) and the fact that he said to me (in between cries) "please some cookies" I gave in. It was only 3 tiny cookies, but I felt guilty... both for letting him eat them, and giving into his fit.

2- I have done nothing during Evan's nap... and it's almost over. I usually make a list, and try and get at least a few things done before I give myself some down time. Today I have a huge list of things to do before going out of town, yet nothing got done. I just took out butter, eggs and milk to come to room temp so I can bake (one of 3) batches of cupcakes. To top it off- DH called and I told him I was packing... which wasn't a total lie- I had just brought the overnight duffle bag up from the basement and was planning on packing until he called and then I got distracted and never did anything! 

Off to get something done before Evan wakes up!! 

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